All Aboard Nursery 

Our Vision is to be a beacon of excellence in the early years learning experiences of children who join us with identified needs around social communication and interaction difficulty including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They may also be affected by other complex needs some known others unknown.

We set out to assist all children attending All Aboard Nursery to achieve their potential within their perceived capabilities. We fully acknowledge that all children attending All Aboard Nursery have ASD or SCID as their primary need and as such our curriculum plan and design will always take this into account.

An individual record of each child's development is maintained, showing their abilities, progress and next areas for support and development. We acknowledge that all children including those affected by autism/SCID will learn in different ways and at different rates and plan for this accordingly.

All Aboard Nursery offers day time care for children aged 3 and 4 with additional needs that are primarily sourced in social communication difficulty including autism. 

The nursery operates from Unit 16 Headlands Trading Estate, Off Headlands Grove, Swindon SN2 7JQ and will be open from 8:45am to 3:30pm term time only.

All Aboard nursery is accessible to and inclusive of all ASD/SCID affected children and their families from across the whole Swindon Borough through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.

For more information please contact:
Jo-Ann Nicol Cobb - Nursery Manager on 01793 387807
All Aboard Nursery Email: